Buy pictures



Pictures of the images you see in the “Galleries” of this website are on sale.

In this page you find the standards and the guarantees of pictures; if you are interested to buy one or more pictures, please use the “Contact” page, specifying the Gallery, the code number (ex.: Animals – TA_0672), the size and any other note or request.

1_ Pictures on sale have been shot and elaborated out by Mario Pelillo (the “Artist” in the following), who continues to hold, after their purchase,  the exclusive right to reproduce and publish them in hard copy on paper as well as on the web (Copyright).

2_ Every picture is printed on photographic paper and stuck on a Forex / Sandwich panel, depending on its the dimensions. Different ways of printing and materials (direct print on Forex, prints on special papers) can be performed at the request of the client, at his own responsibility for the quality of the result; it is understood that the artist will guarantee that  a requested special print will be produced under maximum care a highly qualified laboratory.

3_ Standard dimensions of pictures are (in cm) 24 x 36, 30 x 45, 40 x 60. Printed images in different (or larger) dimensions will only be produced provided there is no danger for  any loss of quality.

4_ A warranty will be provided together with pictures, covering the maximum number of copies that may be sold and therefore about the maximum number of copies potentially in circulation; that number is symbolized by a fraction where the numerator symbolizes the number of the picture on sale and the denominator symbolizes the maximum number of legal copies potentially in circulation, as usually used for lithographs; in consequence of that, the price of standard copies doesn’t varies as a function of picture dimensions.

5_ A warranty will be provided together with pictures, against every kind of deterioration or damage due to any reason in any time: by giving back the deteriorated or damaged  picture, it will be replaced by a new identical one, at the price of production (printing, panel, bonding) and mailing costs only; replacement will be possible only after the return of the damaged picture, showing on the back the signature of the artist.

6_ Packing and mailing costs are always at the expense of the client.

7_ Ordering a picture is effective only after a down payment of  30% of the agreed price and after having received a document proving that the down payment  has been effected; both payments, the advance and final  settlement, can be made by wire transfer or by cash; only the final settlement can be made by cash on delivery.

8_ Every picture is signed by the artist on the back with a permanent marker and it is sold  together with a certificate, signed by the artist, and containing the following information:

  • Title of the picture
  • Place and date of the shot
  • Number of the print indicated together with the maximum number of allowed legal prints to be sold (ex. 5/30)
  • Warranty against deterioration and damage, as shown at point 5.
  • Copyright formula.

9_ Every picture sold will be accompanied by a receipt signed by the artist.

10_ The client will do his best, to prevent that the picture will be photographed by anyone, to avoid illegal reproductions.


Certficato autenticità004

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